팔레스타인 집단학살 1주기 규탄 집회
"이스라엘은 학살을 멈춰라! 학살에 공모하는 한화는 제주를 떠나라!"
2024년 10월 7일(월) 제녁 7시, 제주시청 앞
전쟁에 반대하는 평화의 연대자 여러분, 10월 7일 제주시청 앞에서 만나요.
- 주관: 강정평화네트워크
- 공동주최: 가장자리에서, 강정공소, 강정마을해군기지반대주민회, 강정친구들, 개척자들, 도청앞천막촌사람들, 비무장평화의섬제주를만드는사람들, 서귀포시도시우회도로녹지공원화를바라는사람들, (재)성프란치스코평화센터, 우주군사화와로켓발사를반대하는사람들, 제주녹색당, 제주다크투어, 제주퀴어프라이드 조직위원회, 평화의바다를위한섬들의연대
Jeju Rally Against One Year of Gaza Genocide
“Israel, Stop the Genocide! Genocide-Complicit Hanwha, Get Out of Jeju!”
Mon., Oct. 7, 2024, 7:00 PM
Jeju City Hall
Dear Supporters for Peace and Solidarity Against Wars, Let’s meet in front of Jeju City Hall on October 7th.
Host: Gangjeong Peace Network
Co-hosts: From the Edge, Gangjeong Mission Station, Association of Gangjeong Villagers Against the Jeju Navy Base, Gangjeong Friends, The Frontiers, People in the Tent Village in Front of the Provincial Office, People Making Jeju a Demilitarized Peace Island, Citizens Who Want Green Space instead of the Seogwipo City Bypass Road, Saint Francis Peace Center, People Opposing Space Militarization and Rocket Launches, Jeju Green Party, Jeju Dark Tours, Jeju Queer Pride Organizing Committee, Inter-Island Solidarity for Peace of the Sea
@from.theedges @gangjeong79s @t.he_frontiers @stfpc1 @space4peacek @jeju_greenparty @jejudarktours @jejuqueerpride
팔레스타인 집단학살 1주기 규탄 집회
"이스라엘은 학살을 멈춰라! 학살에 공모하는 한화는 제주를 떠나라!"
2024년 10월 7일(월) 제녁 7시, 제주시청 앞
전쟁에 반대하는 평화의 연대자 여러분, 10월 7일 제주시청 앞에서 만나요.
- 주관: 강정평화네트워크
- 공동주최: 가장자리에서, 강정공소, 강정마을해군기지반대주민회, 강정친구들, 개척자들, 도청앞천막촌사람들, 비무장평화의섬제주를만드는사람들, 서귀포시도시우회도로녹지공원화를바라는사람들, (재)성프란치스코평화센터, 우주군사화와로켓발사를반대하는사람들, 제주녹색당, 제주다크투어, 제주퀴어프라이드 조직위원회, 평화의바다를위한섬들의연대
Jeju Rally Against One Year of Gaza Genocide
“Israel, Stop the Genocide! Genocide-Complicit Hanwha, Get Out of Jeju!”
Mon., Oct. 7, 2024, 7:00 PM
Jeju City Hall
Dear Supporters for Peace and Solidarity Against Wars, Let’s meet in front of Jeju City Hall on October 7th.
Host: Gangjeong Peace Network
Co-hosts: From the Edge, Gangjeong Mission Station, Association of Gangjeong Villagers Against the Jeju Navy Base, Gangjeong Friends, The Frontiers, People in the Tent Village in Front of the Provincial Office, People Making Jeju a Demilitarized Peace Island, Citizens Who Want Green Space instead of the Seogwipo City Bypass Road, Saint Francis Peace Center, People Opposing Space Militarization and Rocket Launches, Jeju Green Party, Jeju Dark Tours, Jeju Queer Pride Organizing Committee, Inter-Island Solidarity for Peace of the Sea
@from.theedges @gangjeong79s @t.he_frontiers @stfpc1 @space4peacek @jeju_greenparty @jejudarktours @jejuqueerpride